Sister Laurel

PTL and GBU- please accept my sincere apology Pastor for not thanking you and your family for my birthday card, blessed wishes and the money I received for my birthday when I spoke to you earlier on the phone. Sister Anna- thank you so much for the cake. It was finished the next day! I shared it with a few people in the church and then with my mother, niece and brother. You may have thought I could be a magician the way it disappeared 


. Thank your sons also please. My life is more stable and healthier knowing I have tangible and God fearing people in my world. You both not only believe in the word but speak it, practice it and model it for me to see. Thank you for all you do and have done for my family and I. May God continue to richly bless and keep you so others can also feel and be blessed by you the way I have been. 
